Thursday, August 25, 2005

Spammers - Go To Buggery

I placed my environmental post this morning and almost immediately somebody posted a comment along the lines of "Thank you for your blog - I love it!" and left a link from Rockport Shoes Guy. Curious I checked the link and found it to be a Website for selling shoes.

I have news for you buddy. You can shove it. I made a comment and didn't see the delete comment bin as I did so, but once my post had been completed I was able to delete the spammer's comment. It's the second time I have been spammed. The first occasion was from some God-botherer and linked to a site in English and Cyrillic. It wasn't until someone else commented that I had been spammed that it occurred to me that I had.

Starting to see why blogs are becoming more difficult to post comments on as people must be sick to death of receiving spam. It's the rubbish bin for you spammers.


lori said...

it's why i moved across to wordpress, i noticed a bit of blogspam on my old blogger site. so. i deleted it :)

oh and i did what your wife did, purchased a parking ticket, wrong expiry date, purchased another, spent 12 dollars for what should have been a 7.10 parking ticket. *sigh*

Hammy said...

I don't think I'm at the stage of having to check out wordpress but it is comforting to know that there are options.

My missus doesn't need to purchase a parking ticket for quite a while now so it may just happen again upon her return.