Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Australia Needs A New Intelligence Agency

There is much speculation in the media about the number of people in Australia with terrorist tendencies and how our intelligence agency, ASIO, is watching them. If we want real intelligence on suspect characters in this country to be carried out then we need a new intelligence agency.

And I know who it should be. My idea is to have a joint venture between Citibank and American Express. These bastards can track you down, doesn't matter how many times you move, where you move to or if you try to cover your tracks. I was only telling Miky just before she left that Citibank and American Express have no trouble finding you.

And guess what happened? The next day I received an application form from American Express. No shit. I will be returning it, sans personal identifiable information, so that they can pay for the postage and for some people to open the envelope. I am sick of their junk mail. Is there an opt out from Citibank or American Express form? I guess if you join them they stop bothering you.

I did notice that you now need to earn A$40000 p.a. instead of A$30000 p.a. for the American Express.


Ben said...

Tell them you don't earn that much and that you are on pension or health care card, they will stop bothering you.

I was being called by some major telco every week until I told them I was elligible for their concession rate. I never heard from them again.

Hammy said...

Wow, I'll have to try that. Anything to make me a more frugal person.