Monday, February 13, 2006

Our Canna Is In Flower

We have some canna plants at our place. They had to be moved when we put the paving slabs out the back. Miky chose these plants as they like plenty of sun and an abundance of water.

Beautiful flowers and the first time I believe that they have been in bloom.

The canna looks lovely in bloom.

Not all too surprisingly they have flourished following the move. Since we returned from Korea they have grown substantially and for the first time have bloomed. I love these plants due to their low-maintenance requirements.


spajonas said...

they're lovely.. it's nice to see something in bloom! this time of year around here we see nothing but snow.

Joe said...

So what you're saying is that people who want their canna plants to bloom should go to Korea for a while?

Anonymous said...

Very good, Joe. Maybe I should grow some. It does not seem as though they can be killed too easily. I have black thumbs, not green. They are indeed lovely.

Hammy said...

Mum - I didn't know that you had lovely black thumbs.

Joe - yep, go to Korea and let your neighbour look after the plants. Works well and comes highly recommended.

Gleek - I saw the report on the news this morning about the snow, some 68-72 cm of it. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Loverly flowers, not my thumbs, smarty!