Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday In Subi

Yes, once again I've been running around with camera by my side causing mischief.

Due to a recent spate of signposts being stolen in the City of Subiaco a number of guard dogs have been assigned particular signposts to guard. Warning: do not approach these animals as they are highly trained and attack-minded creatures. No matter how fluffy they may appear.

The Public Transport Authority has launched an investigation into the structural design of the Subiaco Station roof as the phenomenon of global warming appears to have led to intensely hot summers leading to the roof warping. An engineers report is due in the coming month.

Police in Subiaco have made numerous arrests of people after purchasing zucchinis from the Subiaco Station Markets. People have been charged with carrying a concealed weapon after purchasing the oversize zucchinis then hiding them in their shopping bags. Police would like to remind people that carrying a concealed weapon is an offence that carries up to a three month jail term.


Anonymous said...

Slow day at work again, dear?

Hammy said...

I was at lunch.

Anonymous said...

Just joshin'