Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Full Moon And Interested Onlookers

Yesterday in the morning we had a full moon on view. As did everyone else in the world so I guess that that's not really newsworthy. I thought that it would be nice to take a photo of it behind the pump house near work after I got off the bus. So I went to the parkland and knelt down to take a few shots. It was then that I noticed a reflection on the viewfinder and thought that somebody must be going for a walk and may walk in front of the camera. "Strange," I thought to myself, "I didn't see anybody in the park when I was preparing to take the photos. Put the camera down and saw that it was three magpies who were quite interested in what was going on. Or perhaps they just expected me to feed them. Odd, as magpies aren't generally the friendliest of birds.


Susan Ham said...

i must be blinder than I thought. Can't see the moon.

Iris Flavia said...

I do like Magpies, they are always so interested and inspect everything (ok, I can say that from over here with not having them around...).

The birds over here aren´t half as funny as yours!

Anonymous said...

I alway thought that you were a closet Collingwood supporter. I knew there was reason I liked you. Onya Hammy, GO PIES.

Anonymous said...

A good magpie cartoon in the old "Heckle and Jeckle" With 2 magpies. It is the Crows that beg me for food. Good photos!!

Hammy said...

Ma - the moon is hidden between palm fronds and a little to dim to see clearly.

Flavia - I never liked magpies after being swooped and cut on the head when I was two years old. And they are the emblem of the most despised football team in the country - Collingwood.

James - I'm not a closet anything and as for being a Collingwood supporter, well, that's one of the most insulting things you could accuse a person of. Carn the Bombers. Lunchtime Friday and it's on.

Hammy said...

But I'm ok with magpies now. I like their warbling especially. Collingwood players, and supporters, I particularly despise still, now and forever.

Iris Flavia said...

Ok, get ya... I was lying in the grass. In a bikini. It was on purpose, I bet! The darn seagull... shit on me! And it was brown. Everyone had a good laugh - except me!
I´ll never like seagulls! Those bait-snatchers!

Hammy said...

Um, Iris. Is this lying in grass in a bikini some strange European behaviour when on vacation in a foreign country during summer?

I'm not lucky and have been crapped on by birds a number of times during my life but without a major incident.

Anonymous said...

The seagalls are the worst. I get near missed crapped on all the time.

Iris Flavia said...

If there is no sand-beach and you need a short rest from jumping through the waves, what else are you supposed to do? Rent such an enormous expensive beach chair? HA, when I´m 80, maybe!
For now grass is ok :-)
Seagulls are not.

Anonymous said...

Heckle and Jeckle are crows, aren't they???