Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My Volleyball Career Is Over

At least in the short term. The neck injury that I suffered, or at least worsened considerably in our last win, is still giving me a great deal of discomfort and I have had to opt for an early retirement. Miky isn't unhappy about it but I love my volleyball and am somewhat traumatised. I haven't played golf since I was injured so you can see that I am taking it seriously.

I hate to be the one letting the team down also. Take it from me, if the neck was good I'd be out there on that court trying to thump the opposition. Miky even encouraged me to play golf instead. Hmm, that's just plain cruel. You can't say that to a person in my state.

I wish the Purple Cobras well and hope to return in a month or two. Cross your fingers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Done that, toes and knees as well. Hope your neck is OK soon.