Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ant Mine Earthquake

You all know that we have an ant mine. And sudden movement or a knock near the ants and they panic. Just a little. We also have a battery-powered massager. Put the massager together with the hard surface that the ant mine is mounted on and what do you get? An ant mine earthquake of course.

Ant Mine

Ant Mine Earthquake


Anonymous said...

Those poor damn ants must think you are all King Kong or Godzilla for that ha ha Shame on you after you die you may come back as an ant you know or a ball less rabbit ha ha

Nick Souter said...

yooouuu moron! that's just the kind of thing I would do :)

David said...

You sadistic bastard! Haha…

Anonymous said...

Yes Nick, you would do that! You are both morons!