Friday, July 04, 2008

Super Dandruff

I think if I went to see a doctor I would be diagnosed with super dandruff. Currently I use one of the leading brands of anti-dandruff shampoo and I still have a significant dandruff problem. Perhaps we need to buy an anti-dandruff conditioner also, if there is such a product. Keep an eye out for this product for me, will ya?

It's sometimes embarrassing to wear a black shirt with the build-up of dandruff and subsequent change in colour. And if I give my hair a good rub it's almost snowing. I have seen worse though. There was a guy that I worked with who had some skin problem and flakes of skin covered his jacket by the end of the day. It was an horrendous sight.


Susan Ham said...

Dad uses Head & Shoulders, Dry Scalp Care shampoo. I think it does have a conditioner to go with it Blue & white bottle. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

What you do is do not over wash your hair, cut eating too much fat and take vitamins. If your scalp is drying out too much you are removing too much oil so, your body produces more and it flakes. Head and shoulders is great. Daphne

David said...

Go to a pharmacy and ask if they have 'coal tar'. Its great for stopping dandruff.

Also, rotate different types of shampoo every time you finish a bottle. By mixing the brands up, its suppose to more effective.

AND everything everyone else has mentioned.

Hammy said...

Sounds like some expert commentary from the voice of the people.

Anonymous said...

That poor man with flaky skin. He must have body dandruff and needs more vitamin b-6 and magnesium. Bless his heart.

Anonymous said...

Body dandruff flakes info. To stop this you can stop using soap and use Aveeno oatmeal bath instead. Some people's pores clog from soap or shampoos. For this the Candians have produced Cetaphil for use on the body and scalp. Some people do better with Purex laundry soap. Other things that help are drinking plenty of water, taking a multi-vitamin, no no brown colored carbonated soda such as Pepsi because, it makes the blood to acidic leading to skin and other health problems in some individuals. Other things that help the skin problems are eating blue cheese daily (they make the antibiotic penacillin from it), eating some veggies and fruit juices if possible. Do not over groom or this upsets the natural bacteria that live on your skin that eat the dead skin. Other things that help that are do not over eat, smoke or drink alcoholic beverages. Distilled drinking water is a great help too. Have a great week. Daphne

Anonymous said...

Other info. Too much sunlight can cause skin problems that lead to flaking and skin cancer. Coal tar is known to cause cancer and should only be used once in awhile. When a person is on medication this causes the skin to grow and heal faster due to less germs living on the body. This can cause flaking but, it saves lives too so, the benefits out way the skin problem. People can shake thier jackets off outside to avoid people seeing this problem or to prevent it apply Cortisone lotion with aloe. IT works wonders. Annette It also makes flaking minimal and not obvious.