Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Facial Fuzz Votes Are In

The votes have been cast and all countback issues have been settled. No correspondence will be entered into. Unless, of course, you wish to comment.

Facial Fuzz Poll Results - the moustache has it.

Full-face beard.

The goatee.

The mo.

Hitler Mo.

It's all gone. The missus kicked up a stink when I got down to the goatee and it had to come off. She doesn't like beards but put up with my full-faced beard and hates goatees. It's an unhealthy hate. The mo looked alright but I knew she wouldn't go with it. The Hitler mo probably wouldn't have been suitable considering the number of Austrians I work with. And the amount of people at work that were disappointed that the goatee left the building was lovely. If only they could have convinced the missus.


honkeie said...

hahahahaha I love this, I did something like this when I finally had to cut my goate off. The goate looked good on you though, but my fav was the Hitler Mo. What, dont the ppl you work with have a sense of humor.....come has to be funny now!

Hammy said...

I'm just slightly too gutless to wear the Hitler mo. And besides, my wife would disown me.