Friday, September 18, 2009

The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Shoes On

This morning I just experienced the most fun you can have with your shoes on. At least if you don't wear shoes within your abode, that is. On the way to the bus stop, following an overnight shower, I noticed that the snails were out in force. I managed to squash a total of 47 snails and 3 slugs during my 10 minute trek to the bus. That's one snail every 13 seconds you know.

There are rules to squash by:

- Snails on footpaths must be squashed.
- Snails on grass next to footpaths are fair game if you have the time.
- Snails on walls and fences are generally safe. You don't wish to pull a muscle or be seen to be acting like a weirdo by passersby.

We've had a wet start to spring. So far we've experienced rain on 17 out of the 18 days of September. The average is for 15 days of rain for the month (although stats I found indicate that it's 11.6 days with greater than or equal to 1mm of rainfall). And the forecast is for showers every day the next week.

And still the snails keep coming. There's no end to them. And now you can see why I'm not allowed to wear shoes in the house.

Perth Forecast from Bureau of Meteorology

Perth Monthly Figures from Bureau of Meteorology

Perth Climate Statistics from Bureau of Meteorology

Bureau of Meteorology


Anonymous said...

You nasty killer ha ha Where are those bug rights activists when you need them darn it?

Iris Flavia said...

Ewwww. But I thank you a lot for taking all the nasty rain and leaving us with summer days supposed to be long gone.
Hail to all the Snails!

oilymils said...

Hammy, it's very bad karma to kill things especially enjoy killing them.. I will say prayers for you.. you can only enjoy killing when you're watching Arnie movies! How are you anyway, I'm glad i found your blog, it is a good read!

Hammy said...

Oilymils - now you've got me thinking.