Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Quiet Morning - Lots To Listen To

Yesterday I left for work a few minutes earlier than usual. It allowed me a more leisurely walk to the bus stop and I was able to take in more sounds surrounding me in the cool (7C), still air than usual. It is slightly difficult when you are jogging I must say.

There were at least three overhead powerlines that were buzzing. I think that's a pretty good indicator that we should have underground power. From hundreds of metres away (I measured close to 1km on the map) I could hear rainbow lorikeets, a type of parrot, chirping away. They are such noisy birds. Don't forget that this was over an hour before sunrise. And they're not to be confused with Parrots Hilton (another noisy bird). Tonight I went for a walk just before 8pm trying to capture them on video. Couple of results below.

Lots of rainbow lorikeets making heaps of noise.

Parrots Hilton - another very noisy bird but not to be confused with the rainbow lorikeet. - (source - http://www.nilacharal.com/enter/celeb/paris_hilton.asp)

Lots of lorikeets flying around within the tree.

Other sounds that appear reasonably pleasant in the early morning air where the sounds of cars far off in the distance, jets that had just taken off and the squelching of a few snails underfoot. Maybe I should leave for work a little earlier to make the most of nature's music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

agreed have fun!!!