Came across a few interesting number plates recently. Well, within the last few months anyway. I've been saving them up for a while before being in a position to share them.
THE BOX (of what?)
DBIGFELLA - You know what they say about blokes who brag about it.
BUBBLEGRL - did she marry the Bubble Boy from Seinfeld?
2BAD4U2 - Too bad for you too.
Cool! :-)
We can´t have anything like it here.
You live in Braunschweig, you have BS-Numbers-Numbers, Hannover: H-Numbers-Numbers, Golslar: GS-Numbers-Numbers, boooring.
BS numbers. In English that would indicate that you're not very happy with the numbers. Of course they charge extra for personalised plates but they're very popular.
Cool I see funny ones like that all the time.
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