Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kings Park Visit Sans The Boy

The missus and I took advantage of the Boy being at a birthday party to spend a few hours on a rainy day in Kings Park. It included a visit to the site of our wedding ceremony, a walk around some of the paths and hot drinks, gelato and chocolates in a restaurant. Lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon by ourselves.

Link to Kings Park Visit photos on Facebook.


Susan Ham said...

What's occuring? Why can't we enlarge the pics?

Anonymous said...

Wow what a wonderul area!! I will visit it oneday!! Annette

Hammy said...

Go to the Facebook photo album link if you wish to see enlarged photos - but I see that you have worked that out. It's much easier to upload photos to there than Blogger and then just put a few icons on the post. I need to streamline things a bit.